Fri, Jan 5th, 2024
Dear Ole Tyme Produce Customers:
Strawberries remain extremely short. We are currently in a “demand exceeds supply” situation again this week . This shortness of supply is expected to last through the middle of the month. Shippers are struggling to cover contracts and previous commitments out of all growing regions We expect fill rates to be applied as needed by shippers trying to align daily business. Open market fruit is very difficult to source right now. Here are some updates by region:
- OXNARD is experiencing cold weather combined with some showers impeding harvests .The colder temperatures are holding back the maturation of the fruit.
- BAJA will begin to see light production This week although most shippers are saying they will not see significant numbers until the third week of January.
- CMEX is also experiencing colder temperatures. Labor issues over the Holidays look to be resolved moving into late January. Numbers should begin to slowly ramp back up moving forward into February.
- FLORIDA like all the other areas, is experiencing cold weather combined with sporadic rain events. This is causing delays in harvesting and some water related quality issues.
- BLUEBERRIES will continue with firm pricing through January with a lighter than usual crop expected from Chile. Peruvian shipments are nearly done. We are currently in a small supply gap as we wait for product from Chile to ramp up. Central Mexican production should pick up in February.
- BLACKBERRIES are in a demand exceeds supply situation with cold weather and rain hampering harvest efforts out of Central Mexico . Transfer delays have been reported due to labor shortages at both the field and cooler levels. Markets remain firm.
- RASPBERRIES continue to cross into the U.S. from Baja and Central Mexico. Baja is expecting better numbers going into February while Central Mexico is seeing slightly lighter numbers .The market is also firm and steady on this item.
If you have any additional questions, please reach out to your Sales Representative or our Customer Service team.
Thank you,
Ole Tyme Produce
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