Thurs, August 1st, 2024
Dear Ole Tyme Produce Customers:
- Fruit Quality Issues: Rain is causing stylar, skin breakdown, and scarring on fruit, which can't be picked when wet and is leading to high maturity fruit with many issues.
- Harvest and Market Impact: Many of the harvested fruits are not suitable for export to the US and are instead sold in the national market.
- Size and Volume Predictions: Continued rain is increasing fruit size, resulting in a majority of supplies being larger sizes (110/150 count), with fewer smaller sizes (230/250 count) anticipated during August, a peak month for rain in Mexico.

- Reduced US Volume: More fruit is staying in the national market due to maturity and quality issues, leading to less volume being shipped to the US.
- Increased Costs: Higher labor requirements for picking and frequent repacking are increasing the overall cost of fruit.

Martinez, Veracruz MX

If you have any additional questions, please reach out to your Sales Representative or our Customer Service team.
Thank you,
Ole Tyme Produce
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